Homecoming/Family Weekend 2009
This past weekend, Wesleyan rowing played host to family, friends and alumni at Macomber Boathouse to celebrate our rich history, and the close of a fantastic fall season!
It was a beautiful day for such an event, with clear blue skies and glass-like water; and what better way to take advantage of such great water than invite parents to row!
After a session of erg training from each parent's respective offspring, our extra-stable rowing barge was loaded up an taken out for a spin. We took out five groups - the barge was a huge success! Parents enjoyed getting a small taste of what their kids
have committed so much to, and it was a great chance for the coaching staff to cater the event, as opposed to the usually parent-catered Wesleyan tent at our races!
We were very happy with the turnout and are glad that everyone seemed to have a great time stepping into their son's and daughter's shoes for a short time.
John Biddiscombe, Wesleyan's athletic director and long time supporter of our program stopped by for a peek at the morning festivities, and had the chance to chat with Kathy Keeler. Kathy is the only Wesleyan graduate to hold an Olympic Gold medal, stroking the Women's eight to a top finish at the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles!
Many thanks to all who were involved in the event! We think it was a great way to cap off the fall racing season, and we hope you enjoyed yourself!
Currently, both squads are beginning their winter training regiment. We feel we have established a good base from which to build off over the winter, and are looking forward to getting back out among the competition in the spring!
Thanks again for your continued support!
We will see you soon!